Monday 4 March 2013

Blackberry Enterprise Service 10 - Team B

BES10 Logo.
A revolutionary way of managing mobile devices in the business environment...

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Businesses all around the globe are using highly-integrated internal servers for their everyday operations. These companies enjoy high levels of success through higher productivity, increased efficiency, better effectiveness and lower costs.

Blackberry is one of the world leaders in providing enterprise server services. The latest update, the Service 10, continues Blackberry’s Enterprise Server (BES) success by providing new and innovative features that are aimed towards a highly secure and productive working environment for businesses.

Blackberry Enterprise Service 10, or BES10, is the core software for the BES that allows for full mobile device management through a “single intuitive management console and platform.” The console is compatible with, and can manage, Blackberry smartphones, Blackberry Playbook, iOS devices, and Android devices.1

Control Panel for the BES10.
The Control Panel for the BES10.

The management console allows administrators to configure different settings for all users such as password requirements (minimum length, age, attempts, etc.), file transferring, access mediums, voice control, and security.1 These settings are applied to all users in the enterprise server, and are managed easily by the administrator. The BES10 offers high levels of security along with this technology, receiving FIPS 140-2 security certification.2 Its main feature however, is the Blackberry Balance™.

Blackberry Balance™ separates the handheld device into a personal and work profile. The two profiles are independent, so it ensures that the work profile apps and data are restricted from being accessed by personal apps.3 The work profile is encrypted and managed by the company. The applications on the work profile are managed by Blackberry’s World™ for Work system. This allows the organization or business to add apps on the employee’s work profiles.4

Work and Personal Profile Screen.
Personal and work profiles are separated and users can switch with a tap on the screen.

On the other hand, the personal profile allows the users to install applications for their phones without interfering or affecting the mandatory work applications.In addition, should the device ever be lost, the data on the work profile can be wiped out anytime. It can also be set up to be wiped if the profile has not been accessed within a certain length of time.1 This is to ensure that even if the device is lost, the corporate data won’t be compromised.

For businesses or organizations that have a pre-existing BES, the BES10 service is a free upgrade to the server and can be obtained through Blackberry’s website.5 For business without the BES, the server would cost $2999 (with 1 CAL), or $3999 (with 20 CAL).6

CALs, or Client Access License keys, are required for each user in order to access the BES and the new BES10 services. The prices per CAL and bundle prices are presented below,7

Number of Users Bundle Price Price per CAL
1-user bundle $99.00 $99.00
5-user bundle $429.00 $85.80
10-user bundle $699.00 $69.90
50-user bundle $3299.00 $65.98
100-user bundle $5999.00 $59.99
500-user bundle $27499.00 $55.00

It is worth noting that the new BES10 requires new keys that are not compatible with pre-existing BES keys. This means that users must purchase new CAL keys in order to use the new BES10 services. Their prices are shown below,8

Quantity Price per CAL
1 $99
100-499 $97
500-999 $94
1000+ $90

However, for organizations that have pre-existing BES CAL keys and are looking to upgrade to the new BES10 system, Blackberry does offer a 1:1 exchange for all current BES CAL keys to new BES10 CAL keys free of charge.9

The new BES10 technology allows the separation of work and personal-use profiles on mobile devices to increase employee productivity and corporate security. This new technology changes the current standard for mobile device management and allows for unique integration of corporate applications, as well as the security, with the separation and customizability of handheld devices.

With increased usages in handheld devices at workplaces, this application has opened a new market targeting organizations who want to increase productivity, efficiency and security for their employees in their working environments. BES10 allows a wide range of control and settings for Blackberry, iOS and Android devices all under a single management console. The flexibility of the console allows senior managers to tailor important applications that fit the organization. This allows full synchronization of important applications and information, and improves the interconnectedness of each device in the server.

Blackberry Balance™ stands out by adding convenience, reducing the cost of having two phones and enhancing the security of the overall enterprise server. With a quick toggle, the users can switch instantly from their work profile to their personal profile. Organization data in the work profile are secured, and can easily be wiped if lost or compromised without affecting the personal profile data. For the organization, this saves the effort and cost of setting up a secondary, uniform device policy for each employee in the system. For the employee, this provides the luxury for them to use their personal devices without risking the organization’s data – all under one device.

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1. Blackberry. (2013). Blackberry Keeps Your Business Moving. Retrieved February 27, 2013, from Blackberry:

2. John, R. (2012, November 8). BlackBerry 10 platform is now FIPS 140-2 certified. Retrieved February 27, 2013, from Rapid Berry:

3. Blackberry. (2013). Balance Technology. Retrieved February 27, 2013, from Blackberry:

4. Blackberry. (2013). Blackberry Enterprise Service 10. Retrieved February 27, 2013, from Blackberry:

5. Blackberry. (2013). Blackberry Enterprise Service 10. Retrieved February 27, 2013, from Blackberry:

6. Blackberry. (2013). Blackberry Enterprise Server v5.0. Retrieved February 27, 2013, from Blackberry:

7. Blackberry. (2013). Blackberry Enterprise Server Client Access License. Retrieved February 27, 2013, from Blackberry:

8. Blackberry. (2013). Blackberry Enterprise Service 10 Client Access License. Retrieved February 27, 2013, from Blackberry:

9. Blackberry. (2013). Transition smoothly to Blackberry 10. Retrieved February 27, 2013, from Blackberry:


Courtney, J. (2013, January 23). Screen Capture of Work and Personal Profile Interface. Retrieved February 27, 2013, from Voice on the Web:

Faro-Tusino, M. (2013, January 24). Blackberry Enterprise Service 10. Retrieved February 27, 2013, from Unleash the Phone:

Blackberry. (2013). Feature Icons. Retrieved February 27, 2013, from Blackberry:

PCM. (2013). Blackberry banner logo. Retrieved February 27, 2013, from PCM:


Jacob, Larry. Interview by Talina Barsalou. Personal interview. 22 minutes. Victoria, BC. February 9, 2013.

Blackberry. (2013). Blackberry Keeps Your Business Moving. Retrieved February 27, 2013, from Blackberry:

John, R. (2012, November 8). BlackBerry 10 platform is now FIPS 140-2 certified. Retrieved February 27, 2013, from Rapid Berry:

Blackberry. (2013). Balance Technology. Retrieved February 27, 2013, from Blackberry:

Blackberry. (2013). Blackberry Enterprise Service 10. Retrieved February 27, 2013, from Blackberry:

Blackberry. (2013). Blackberry Enterprise Service 10. Retrieved February 27, 2013, from Blackberry:

Blackberry. (2013). Blackberry Enterprise Server v5.0. Retrieved February 27, 2013, from Blackberry:

Blackberry. (2013). Blackberry Enterprise Server Client Access License. Retrieved February 27, 2013, from Blackberry:

Blackberry. (2013). Blackberry Enterprise Service 10 Client Access License. Retrieved February 27, 2013, from Blackberry:

Blackberry. (2013). Transition smoothly to Blackberry 10. Retrieved February 27, 2013, from Blackberry:

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